Computer Science Faculty

Our faculty members are experts in the fields of computer science education, artificial intelligence, software engineering, and more.

  • George Mason statue for the faculty profile

    Professor, Department of Computer Science

    Research Interests: Multi-agent systems, evolutionary computing
  • Mason CS assistant professor Lisa Luo

    Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science

    Research Interests: Software and Systems Security, including software analysis and verification, vulnerability discovery, IoT security, mobile security, and software engineering
  • George Mason statue for the faculty profile

    Instructional Professor, Department of Computer Science

    Research Interests: Artificial Intelligence
  • Mason CS professor Andrian Marcus

    Professor, Department of Computer Science

    Research Interests: Software Engineering
  • GM faculty Wassim Masri wears a green sweater and cool glasses

    Professor, Department of Computer Science

    Research Interests: Software Engineering, Software Testing, and Program Analysis
  • Mason CS assistant professor Kevin Moran

    Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science

    Research Interests: Understanding deficiencies in the software engineering process and building intelligent, automated tools to help software engineers design and write code more efficiently and effectively
  • Mason Computer Science Instructor Hamza Mughal

    Instructor, Department of Computer Science

    Research Interests: Computer science education and computer systems
  • Associate Professor Radu Negulescu

    Associate Professor, Department of Computer Science

    Research Interests: Asynchronous Circuits and Systems, Concurrency Theory, Quantum Computing, Linear Logic, Automated Theorem Proving, Machine Learning for Technology Education
  • GM CS Associate Professor Thanhvu Nguyen

    Associate Professor, Department of Computer Science

    Research Interests: Software Engineering
  • Mason CS assistant professor Eric Osterweil

    Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science

    Research Interests: Cybersecurity, Internet protocols, Network measurements, network security