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At George Mason, you will become fluent in the international language of engineering, computing, and IT. Our school is focused on making the world a better place, and we encourage our students, clubs, and labs to think on a global scale.
Learn Locally, Think Globally
Globalization has made engineering and compting an international profession.
Engineering, computing and IT can no longer be contained behind a desk or a computer screen. This new generation is entering the workforce with an ethos to use their skills for the betterment of mankind. Many tech firms send their employees to the far corners of the globe to engage in research, technical workshops, business presentations, and project deployments. And, emerging trends show that many companies are offering paid time for on-site volunteer work. Engineers and IT professionals are designing and installing stable power systems in underserved hospitals, gathering data from social media applications, preparing communities to survive record monsoons, installing clean water systems, and improving the lives of people everywhere.
See the university catalog for information about globally focused courses.
Our graduates are at home in the worldwide job market because our students focus on engaging with the world.
Educational Programs Related to Globalization
We believe the best ideas have global applications. We know our community extends from our main campus in Fairfax to the jungles of the Amazon, the cities of Europe, and coastal flood plains of India. Our students come from dozens of countries, and our faculty members have research partners worldwide. Opportunities for international study and service abound in every department and program.
Bachelor's Degree
Civil and Infrastructure Engineering, BS
The bachelor’s degree program provides essential underpinnings in the theory and design methods of civil and infrastructure engineering for engineering practice.
Students benefit from exposure to practical civil, environmental, and infrastructure engineering problems and their solutions in the classroom, lab, and field. The educational objectives of the Civil and Infrastructure Engineering program describe expectations for graduates approximately three to five years after obtaining their BS CIE degree.
Bioengineering, also referred to as biomedical engineering, is the application of engineering tools and approaches to solve problems in biology and medicine. It is a broad and growing field that draws upon rapid advances in technology and computation, as well as on unprecedented growth in basic biological understanding.
Master's Degrees
Civil and Infrastructure Engineering, MS
The Master of science in civil and infrastructure engineering is designed for students who have completed the BS in civil engineering, although students with related undergraduate degrees may be considered for provisional admission. The MS educates students in the theory and practice of civil engineering science and design at an advanced level. The MS also serves as a foundation for doctoral study in in civil engineering, as well as for additional graduate studies in architecture, law, business, economics, finance, and public policy and administration.
The MS in biostatistics allows students to specialize in the design and analysis of health-related and biological studies, while maintaining the rigor and technical training of the Statistical Science master’s program. The program, with its research core, will also be sufficiently rigorous for students who wish to pursue a Ph.D. in Biostatistics.
Doctoral Degrees
Civil and Infrastructure Engineering, PhD
The Doctor of Philosophy in civil and infrastructure engineering prepares students for advanced leadership positions in research and development in the public or private sector, academics, or government. Students may elect to study in the areas of: environmental and water resources engineering, geotechnical engineering, structural engineering, or transportation engineering. Both part-time and full-time study is available.
The doctoral program in bioengineering is designed to prepare future leaders in bioengineering. Rapid advances in understanding the molecular bases of disease have opened up new opportunities to advance human health through research that integrates knowledge in modern biology, engineering, physics, and computer science. The doctoral program will prepare leaders in bioengineering in this broader, integrative sense of the discipline. A major distinguishing feature of the curriculum is that it is designed to educate leaders who understand and appreciate how biomedical technology is translated from the bench to the bedside.

Mason students traveled to a remote area of Peru to assist in farmers with the renovation of their water supply system. Many areas of Peru rely on melted snow from the Andes for water.
Build Your International Network Now
Our activities and instruction are geared to expand your horizons from around the corner to around-the-globe. People from 130 nations study at Mason. This unmatched diversity allows you to make friendships and academic connections in the classroom, while you're catching a movie at the Johnson Center, working on a group project in Fenwick, or just hanging out in your suite common room. You'll be laying the groundwork for a global career network before you graduate.
Our faculty closely reflects the diversity of the student body. Our international cadre of top professors and researchers maintain and foster ties in the international engineering community. Many hold distinguished positions in the world's most prestigious engineering and scientific societies. These connections tie our faculty to the best research in the world, and give our graduates a ready-made network for their careers.
Opportunities for study and enrichment abroad have not always been easy to find. The college expects that our students will graduate into careers with a global thrust. We offer long and short programs overseas that involve research, service, cultural awareness, and entrepreneurship.