Computer Science Faculty

Our faculty members are experts in the fields of computer science education, artificial intelligence, software engineering, and more.

  • Mason CS assistant professor Xuesu Xiao

    Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science

    Research Interests: Field Robotics, Motion Planning, Machine Learning
  • Mason CS assistant professor Lishan Yang

    Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science

    Research Interests: System reliability, including the reliable operation of GPUs, nonconventional sensors, autonomous driving systems, and neural networks
  • Computer Science assistant professor Shuochao Yao

    Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science

    Shuochao Yao's research focuses on building physical-aware, resource-efficient, reliable, and predictable artificial intelligence systems for future intelligent Internet of Things (IoT) and Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS)
  • Computer Science assistant professor Ziyu Yao

    Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science

    Research Interests: Human AI interaction, NLP, machine learning
  • Mason CS assistant professor Grigory Yaroslatsev

    Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science

    Research Interests: Machine learning, data science, and private data release
  • GM associate professor Jinwei Ye smiles in her profile

    Associate Professor, Department of Computer Science

    Research Interests: Computer vision, computational imaging, and computer graphics
  • Mason CS assistant professor Bella Yin

    Assistant Professor (Teaching), Department of Computer Science

    Research Interests: Developing novel machine learning algorithms for geological problems
  • Mason CS associate professor Craig Yu

    Associate Professor, Department of Computer Science

    Research Interests: HCI, VR/AR
  • Mason CS assistant professor Fang-Yi Yu

    Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science

    Research Interests: Interface between machine learning, artificial intelligence, and economics
  • Mason CS associate professor Qiang Zeng

    Associate Professor, Department of Computer Science

    Research interest: Computer Systems Security, with a focus on the Internet of Things and mobile computing