Study and Learn With the Best
Companies will come to you. You're ready to enhance your skills and value by earning a degree in engineering, or computing and you want to study with the best. George Mason University College of Engineering and Computing is the place.
Our Students Are Engaged and Prepared to Act
Our students are well-rounded scholars who are creative, resourceful, and energetic. They are thinkers, explorers, and inventors. They see the world not as it is, but as the safer, more efficient, and more prosperous world it could be.
Student Stats at a Glance
Total Headcount | 10,884 |
Undergraduate | 7,803 |
Graduate | 3,032 |
% Full-time | 73 |
% Part-time | 27 |
% In State | 72 |
% Out-of-State | 28 |
*Current Fall 2023 data

Associate Professor Isaac Gang teaches master's students in the classroom about data analytics engineering.
Our Faculty Are Leaders in Their Fields
Our faculty are passionate researchers, dedicated scientists, and bold innovators. They have proven experience. They are trusted consultants for industry and government. They are engaged with their professional community. They are mentors and coaches. They are conscientious instructors with a vision for the future.

Innovation is all around us, and Mason students are expected to engage with the world in a way that responds to global challenges. On any given day, you can find our students exploring this important profession in hands-on activities that challenge them to build better solutions.