Undergraduate Academic Advising

Undergraduate Academic Advising

Regular academic advising is essential to your success as it keeps you on track to graduate. Meeting with your advisor at least once a semester will ensure that your educational goals and your career goals align. Contact your department representative to set up a time for a one-on-one meeting.

Academic Advising Contacts

Academic Program Academic Advisor To schedule an appointment


Peterson Hall, room 3100

Claudia Borke Log in here. 

Civil & Infrastructure Engineering

Nguyen Building, room 2100

Jess Yon


Log in here





Computer Science and Applied Computer Science

Buchanan Hall, room D215



Joshua Fletcher

Linda Sheridan

Vernell Wilks

Kristi Morrow

Visit our website

Cyber Security Engineering

Research Hall, room 359

Rebecca Lane CYSE Advising

Electrical Engineering and Computer Engineering

Nguyen Building, room 3100



Melanie Holmes

Visit our website




Information Technology

Nguyen Building, room 5400




Ashley Korman

John Paul Turner

Laura Rhodes

Lisa Sevilla

Veronica Bonilla

Visit our website




Mechanical Engineering

Nguyen Building, room 3300



Tim Diggins

Sophia Sarver

Assigned Faculty Advisor

Visit our website


Nguyen Building, room 1705

Dr. Brett Hunter Contact Dr. Hunter

Systems and Industrial Engineering

Nguyen Building, room 2100

Assigned Faculty Advisor Visit our website




Undeclared and Undecided

Nguyen Building, room 2500



Alison Bartnek

Nora Gerrity

Jess Ostrowski-Wright

UNDE & UNDC Advising

Bachelor of Applied Science


  • Cyber Security
  • Cloud Computing
  • Technology and Innovation
  • Data Analytics

*BAS students are not CEC students. However, BAS students in the above mentioned concentrations take courses offered by CEC departments.

Carmella Trippett-Blanks

Allison Winters

Log in here

Honors College Academic Advising

Academic Plans - Course requirements for each CEC major in a semester-by semester format.

To provide students with the resources they need to plan for their time at Mason and in the College of Engineering and Computing, we have developed 4-year academic plans and degree worksheets. The plans contain course-by-course progression to graduation while the degree worksheets act as a checklist.

When used in combination with academic advising, these tools allow students to create their own personalized road map for success and degree completion.

2024-2025 Academic Year

Applied Computer Science


Civil & Infrastructure Engineering

Computer Engineering

Computer Science

Cyber Security Engineering

Electrical Engineering

Information Technology

Mechanical Engineering


Systems and Industrial Engineering

Undecided Engineering

Honors College Plans

Previous Academic Years

2023-2024 Academic Plans

2022-2023 Academic Plans

2021-2022 Academic Plans

2020-2021 Academic Plans

2019-2020 Academic Plans

Pre-Orientation Advising for admitted Transfer Students

To prepare for your Transfer Student Orientation, Mason offers the option to request a pre-orientation advising meeting with an academic advisor from your major. Be aware that not all the departments provide the service. If a department provides the service, however, you must first request a transcript evaluation from the Office of Admissions and complete a certificate from Patriot Preview.

Pre-orientation advising is most effective after your transfer credits have been evaluated and you have completed the Patriot Preview Certificate. Please continue to monitor your Patriot Web account after you submit your request. When your credits are reflected on your Mason transcript and you have your Patriot Preview Certificate, contact your department to inquire if they are available for pre-orientation advising.

Accelerated Master's Program

If you have a strong GPA and have shown yourself to be a motivated student, the accelerated master’s path might be right for you. Students who pursue this program can graduate with a bachelor’s degree and a master’s degree in just 5 years, giving them a head start on a successful career. See your Undergraduate Academic Advisor for more details before you apply.

Our academic advisors assist students in personal development and creating strategic course plans to meet the requirements of their majors and minors. Academic Advisors also suggest opportunities that can enhance their experience at Mason.