Our faculty work in thermal and fluid sciences, micro/nano mechanics, photonics, tribology, and energy-water nexus.
Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering
Research Interests: Fatigue and Fracture, electrochemistry and corrosion, computational materials, reliability, thermodynamics and heat transfer, failure mechanicsAssistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering
Research Interests: Additive Manufacturing, advanced materials, failure mechanicsAssistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering
Research Interests: Additive Manufacturing, Tribology, Multiscale Contact and Interface Mechanics, High Temperature Materials, Thin Films/Coatings, Surface Engineering, Failure MechanicsInstructor, Department of Mechanical Engineering
Colleen Berg has been an instructor in Mechanical Engineering since 2006.Professor, Bioengineering and Mechanical Engineering
Research Interests: Stroke, cerebral aneurysms, blood flow, image-based modeling, patient-specific modeling, computational fluid dynamics, hemodynamics, modeling medical devicesProfessor and Director of Mason Autonomy and Robotics Center (MARC); First American Bank Chair
Missy Cummings is co-director of the Mason Autonomy and Robotics CenterAssociate Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering
Research Interests: Materials Science, Carbon Nanomaterials, Energy, Water, BiomedicalAssistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering
Zelalem Eshete is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Mechanical Engineering.Adjunct Professor and Affiliate Faculty, Department of Mechanical Engineering
Research Interests: Systems Engineering Theory, Engineering Design, Design Optimization, Space Exploration and Trajectory Optimization, Aviation and Collision RiskAssistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering
Research Interests: Thermal Fluid Systems, Power Plant Design Engineer, Sustainable Energy Systems, Safety and Quality Assurance in Manufacturing and Application of Teaching Methods