College of Engineering and Computing Deans
Dean, College of Engineering and Computing
Kenneth S. Ball, PhD, PE is Dean of the College of Engineering and Computing at George Mason University.Divisional Dean, School of Computing
Research Interests: Real-time embedded systems, sensor networks, network protocols, distributed computingDivisional Dean for the Volgenau School of Engineering; Professor, Systems Engineering and Operations Research
Ariela Sofer is the Divisional Dean for the Volgenau School of Engineering and a professor in the Systems Engineering and Operations Research department.

Jennifer Skorzawski-Ross
Interim Associate Dean for Graduate Programs
Associate Deans in the College of Engineering and Computing
Associate Dean and Deputy Title IX Coordinator; Office of Outreach, Student Success, and Engagement (OSSE)
Christopher Carr is a leadership and policy wonk in diversity, higher education, and STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics).Professor, Associate Provost for Strategic Initiatives and Community Engagement
Research Interest: Environmental EngineeringAssociate Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering; Associate Dean, Undergraduate Programs in the CEC
Research Interests: STEM education, intelligent sensing, autonomous systemsInaugural VP and Chief AI Officer, Associate Dean for AI Innovation in the CEC, Professor, Department of Computer Science
Research Interests: Artificial Intelligence, Foundation Models, Representation Learning, Generative AI, Language Models, AI-enabled Scientific Discovery