
College of Engineering and Computing Deans

  • Ken Ball wears a colorful tie and dark gray suit

    Dean, College of Engineering and Computing

    Kenneth S. Ball, PhD, PE is Dean of the College of Engineering and Computing at George Mason University.
  • Mason school of computing dean Gurdip Singh

    Divisional Dean, School of Computing

    Research Interests: Real-time embedded systems, sensor networks, network protocols, distributed computing
  • Volgenau Divisional Dean Ariela Sofer

    Divisional Dean for the Volgenau School of Engineering; Professor, Systems Engineering and Operations Research

    Ariela Sofer is the Divisional Dean for the Volgenau School of Engineering and a professor in the Systems Engineering and Operations Research department.

Jennifer Skorzawski-Ross
Interim Associate Dean for Graduate Programs

Associate Deans in the College of Engineering and Computing

  • Mason CEC associate dean for OSSE Chris Carr

    Associate Dean and Deputy Title IX Coordinator; Office of Outreach, Student Success, and Engagement (OSSE)

    Christopher Carr is a leadership and policy wonk in diversity, higher education, and STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics).
  • Headshot of CEC associate dean Liza Wilson Durant

    Professor, Associate Provost for Strategic Initiatives and Community Engagement

    Research Interest: Environmental Engineering
  • Mason ECE associate professor Jill Nelson

    Associate Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering; Associate Dean, Undergraduate Programs in the CEC

    Research Interests: STEM education, intelligent sensing, autonomous systems
  • Mason CS professor Amarda Shehu

    Inaugural VP and Chief AI Officer, Associate Dean for AI Innovation in the CEC, Professor, Department of Computer Science

    Research Interests: Artificial Intelligence, Foundation Models, Representation Learning, Generative AI,  Language Models, AI-enabled Scientific Discovery