Meet Our Faculty

Get to know our faculty and their areas of expertise

The College of Engineering and Computing features 200+ faculty members across 10 departments with areas of expertise in engineering and technology, research, design, and teaching. Select the tabs below to learn more about our expert faculty.

Full Faculty Directory

  • A young black woman in a beige, hair wrap and plum-colored blouse

    Assistant Professor, Department of Statistics

    Research Interests: Big Data Analytics, probability distributions, Risk Management, and Insurance
  • CYSE Associate Professor Mohamed Gebril

    Associate Professor, Department of Cyber Security Engineering

    Research Interests: Threat Modeling, Cyber-Physical Systems, UAV security
  • Computer Science associate professor Yotam Gingold

    Associate Professor, Department of Computer Science

    Research Interests: Computer Games Technology, computer graphics, human-computer interaction, crowdsourcing, honors and awards
  • GMU CEC's IT department director Jonathan Goldman wearing a light shirt and glasses

    Director of IT and Security, College of Engineering and Computing

    Jonathan Goldman is the Director of IT and Security in the College of Engineering and Computing at George Mason University.
  • Mason teaching professor Ana Gonzalez

    Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science

    Research Interests: Local Search, Combinatorial Optimization, Metaheuristics, Software Testing
  • Mason CEIE professor Catalina Gonzalez-Duenas

    Assistant Professor, Sid and Reva Dewberry Department of Civil, Environmental, and Infrastructure Engineering

    Research Interests: Risk and resilience assessment of infrastructure systems, performance‐based assessment of structural systems under multi‐hazard conditions, structural adaptation engineering for climate change
  • Mason assistant professor Sara Gopalkrishna

    Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science

    Sara Gopalkrishna is an assistant professor in the Department of Computer Science at George Mason University
  • Mason assistant professor Dov Gordon

    Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science

    Research Interests: Cryptography
  • Mason IST assistant professor Xiaonan Guo

    Assistant Professor / Tenure-track

    Research Interests: Cyber Security and Privacy, Security in Mobile Devices, Mobile Healthcare, Large Data Analysis on Mobile Devices
  • Mason CS associate professor Bo Han

    Associate Professor, Department of Computer Science

    Research Interests: Immersive video streaming, augmented, virtual, and mixed reality, and the Internet of Things