Mehdi Amiri Darehbidi

Mehdi Darehbidi wears a dark suit, striped tie, and glasses in his faculty profile for the Department of Mechanical Engineering
Titles and Organizations

Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering

Contact Information

Phone: 703-993-6158
Campus: Fairfax
Building: Nguyen Engineering Building
Room 4437

Personal Websites


Mehdi Amiri is an Assistant Professor in the Mechanical Engineering Department at George Mason University. He joined George Mason in the Spring of 2019 and since then he is enjoying training and mentoring the next generation of talented mechanical engineers. His research interests focus on the behavior of structural materials under operational conditions, in particular the effects of materials' microstructure on performance under mechanical and environmental loadings. This encompasses a broad class of materials systems, from engineering alloys to state-of-the-art high entropy alloys (HEAs), with problems including the effect of the manufacturing process route on mechanical properties, microstructure evolution, and materials performance. In his free time, he likes to play ping-pong, frisbee, and soccer.


  • PhD, Mechanical Engineering, Louisiana State University
  • Post-Doc, University of Maryland

Current Projects

  • A Multiphysics Analysis based Quenching Process Optimization Tool for Large Forging Parts (Funded by DoD STTR).

  • Effect of Manufacturing Defects on Tensile and Fatigue Properties of Additively Manufactured Alloys.

  • Corrosion Properties of Additively Manufactured Alloys.

  • Development of a Multiphysics Simulation Framework for Metals Additive Manufacturing (Funded by The AFRL Summer Faculty Fellowship Program).