Chun-Hung Chen Becomes IEEE Fellow

Professor Chun-Hung Chen of the Systems Engineering and Operations Research Department was recently elevated to Fellow of the IEEE. This honor is reserved for select IEEE members whose extraordinary accomplishments in any of the IEEE fields of interest that are deemed fitting of this prestigious grade elevation.
Professor Chun-Hung Chen Becomes IEEE Fellow
Chen's elevation was based on his contributions to simulation-based optimization of automation systems. Before selection, a nomination must be evaluated and ranked by a technical society. The Robotics and Automation Society evaluated his nomination. 
"Although it is applicable to automation, my research is more of genetic operations research methodology," said Chen. "My case is unique because I am technically not a robotics researcher."
Sponsored by the NSF, NIH, DOE, NASA, Air Force, MDA, and FAA, Chen has worked on the development of highly efficient methodology for stochastic simulation optimization and its applications to air transportation system, semiconductor manufacturing, healthcare, security network, power grids, and missile defense systems. He is the inventor of the novel simulation idea, called Optimal Computing Budget Allocation (OCBA), which can drastically improve simulation efficiency by orders of magnitude.